Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10/20/09 Tuesday

Thank You Father for speaking to us last night. Lord, Your instruction was clear. Proverbs 19: 2- It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way. Lord, Tina and I both feel like we have no knowledge of our financial picture. We really need to find out. Lord, I pray that today I could make time to get into all of that. Give me the urgency to gain knowledge. Help me to not be hasty and rush into things. I want to know not only what and why I want to do something but most important why You want me to do something.

Your blessings are so new every day. I am excited to see what You would have me do today. I am wondering about James. I haven't spent that much time in prayer for him because I have faith that You are in control. You are able to work in that situation. I pray that You would soften Ryan's heart. It is hard for me to understand all that is going on in that. You know Lord.

Lord, we are trying to create a business. Part of me feels like I have to much going on. The other part sees that if I put the time in now I will have more time later. I feel like I have all of these people who I need to have work for. This winter I think it will dry up quite a bit. Help us make it Father. I have complete confidence in You. Lord, we have come to know Your word is true. You have shown Yourself over and over. Thank You for Your unfailing love.

Lord, today I will try not to get excited and commit to things that I don't understand. Help me to look for opportunities to communicate the gospel.

I love You

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday 10/14/09

Thank You for another day. I have been feeling tired and unhealthy. Seems like I feel this way often. Father, please grant me a small piece of You this morning. I just want to sit at Your feet and know You are my Father. I want to think about Your goodness and Your love for me.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10/13/09 Tuesday

Thank you for Monday. Father, I am so excited to grow today. I can't wait for the opportunities You give me to glorify You. I pray that somehow today I would be able to make Your name known. Father, help me see You and really look at the insides of people. Lord, I have some people who are working with me who I know need a closer, more personal relationship with You. (I guess we all need a more personal walk with You.) Give me the chance to share Your love and grace with each of them. My major problem is margin. It seems Lord that there are things like write letters with each paycheck. I find my time being sucked up by Glenn Beck and Fox News each night. I want to fight that waste of time. Help me to be wise with my time. Right now with all that is happening I know that I don't have room to waste time. I have to spend each moment correctly and such out each second to spare it for Your Kingdom. Help me in that pursuit.

Lord, I pray that we can be a family and A+ can be a company that honors You. I want everyone to know that we are different. You make us different, Lord. I pray that I would put You first today in everything. Help me to seek Your kingdom and Your righteousness first and everything else second.

I want you to know that I still want to pray for Michael B and his family. Lord, it is such a hard thing to understand how someone can throw away everything. Lord, be with them and give them peace and comfort. Surround them with Your love. Joe and Brook are also going through a huge deal right now Lord. I pray that You would give them strength and may we find ways to show them how much You love them. Today is the first day that Ashlin works at the house. I pray that You would bless that.

I love You Father

Monday, October 12, 2009

09/10/12 Monday

I first want to quiet myself and just sit here a moment and still my mind.....................Lord, this morning I want to put Your Kingdom first. May I IN ALL THINGS acknowledge You. Lord, I find it so difficult to be in the office surrounded by the whirlwind of activity and consider You. I know that I have a peace in the midst of it most of the time, but there are times when it seems to be overwhelming.

Father, it seems that I am so selfish in my time. I have found that my prayers are selfish in nature. I rarely have burdens for others. Lord, break my sin and cleanse my soul. Examine me and identify the wickedness inside. Pull it out that I might be aware of who I am. May my pride be killed. I pray specifically for Joe and Brook. Their family is in such a chaotic place. Lord, give them peace today. Take care of their needs. Each small thing I pray that they would not overlook it and realize it is You showing them Your love. Reach out dear Mighty God and lift them to a place to glorify Your name. How great is my God. I am so excited to continue to see Your Glory!
Father, keep them on my heart. May I burden for them.

Lord, I pray for A+ Cleaning. It is slow now. I am thankful for the slowness Lord. I pray Father that You would help us take the next step. Help me to cast off anything that slows us down from running the race not to be successful but to lift You up and to make disciples.
I love You Father

Thursday, October 8, 2009

09/10/08 Tuesday

I want to follow You today. Tina, and I are going to (if You allow) get all of the invoices for last month and statements done. I am really excited and ready to go. Last night was a great time. We eat dinner with Otsuko. Lord, thank You for the blessings. We prayed Lord for two simple things. We prayed for shirts for the boys and pajamas for Elariah. You provided both yesterday. Lord, may we begin to trust You for more and more. We say we do but we don't have any action beyond the things we find ourselves reacting to. Help us be more about acting on situations based on our faith.

Lord, help us find what we believe about You and act on that belief. Help us get away from reacting on things that we feel are urgent. Lord, help me examine each decision I make and ask am I putting Your Kingdom first. Lord, in each path I choose help me base my decision on faith in You not in my abilities. I think this life would be so strange and exciting Lord. Lead me into it.

I love You, Lord

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

09/07/10 Wednesday


Lord, thank You for Your love and compassion. Father, I am beginning to wonder if You have placed me here where we are today as a business to have a chance to get close to these individuals who have begun helping at A+ Cleaning and Maintenance. Lord, I know I fail at sharing Your love and mercy with people. Thank You for Your patience with me. It seems like You are going to be giving me opportunities to grow in that. I am so excited to be lead by Your spirit. You might just have to shove me out of the way in many instances.

Dear Lord, thank you for encouraging Tina last night. It is such a blessing to have a wife who seeks after You the way she does. I am so grateful for a wife who teaches the boys to know and love You the way I have seen her teach them. I seem to take her so often for granted. Forgive me for that. You have given me so many wonderful gifts.

Lord, please bless today. I have several things which I really do feel that I need to do today. I want to look at today as You see it. You have such a different perspective than I have. It seems that the things that You think are important probably don't even catch my eye. Lord, direct my eye and help me to prioritize the things today which You want me to count as important. I so want to know You better and to know what You think I should do. Take my schedule and work it.

I love You Father.

Monday, October 5, 2009

090510 Monday

Lord, I really have begun to hate coming into this place each morning. Father, it seems that the business man that I thought I was I have realized I (humbly) am not. I now so little about what it means to actually run a business. I am really good at having the business run me. Father, forgive my pride. I think that I have so many gifts and abilities. I am really nothing more than a man who is so poor in spirit.

I am so thankful for a God who is not changing. Lord, You are my constant, never changing King. I need You now. My spirit is so low. I feel inside that it is a good and natural place to be but I hurt. I haven't been able to get this stupid business second in my mind to You. I want to put Your kingdom before everything else in my life. I have failed in that. I have had thoughts of growth and not waited on You to work.

Give me patience. Help me find You and Your plan in this mess of a business. I need You.

Thank You for Your goodness Father. I am grateful for all that You do. Forgive me for all that I overlook that You bless me with.

May You speak to me through Your word.

Matthew 4: 17
From that time on Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near."

Matthew 4: 19
"Come, follow me", Jesus said," and I will make you fishers of men."

Matthew 28: 18
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Father, You have called me to call people to repent. You have called me to follow You so that I will be a fisher of men. You have called me to make disciples, baptize them, and teach them how to live. Help me see the next step. Help me know if this business helps me do that or not. I want to throw off anything that slows me down so that I can run this race as fast as I can. Lord, may I be so busy about Your work that I have trouble finding margin for the things of this world: business, play, entertainment, work, vacations. Give me a direction and a clear purpose. Help me to race to Your goals. Help me not get distracted by all that the world says I need to get done or do. May I define my responsibilities by Your kingdom and not by this worlds pressures.

I love You
Give me Your Power and Clarity